
Saturday, February 27, 2010


Asil Community



The Asil is found on the Indian sub-continent and as mentioned earlier is probably the world oldest gamefowl breed. The oldest evidence of organized cockfighting is based on archeological finds which have been found in the Indus valley (today Pakistan but Indian territory till 1947). Understanding the Asil is not that easy. The breed is domestic to the Indian subcontinent. At present day this landmass consists of the following countries India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. This huge landmass is home to an enormous variety of ethnic groups and cultures. Tracing back local names of varieties or expressions is a pure hell as India alone has 21 national languages and over 200 registered dialects. Sometimes information from the homeland is controversial. Therfor analysis and comparison of this information is a delicate matter. Asil enthusiasts from all over the world provide valuable information. The International Asil Community (IAC) tries to provide genuine information enabling all Asil fanciers around the world to preserve the Asil breed along the proper conservation and breeding criteria.


The name of the breed can be written in various ways as in India and neighbouring countries various (local) names excist. This of course caused by the complexity of the Indian languages. The meaning of the names Asil, Aseel or Asli is "purebred"or "from pure decent'. These names are originally of Persian-Arabic origin. Before Islamic rule the Asil and sub-varieties were only known throughout the Indian continent by their local names. How come they were called Asil, Aseel or Asli ? The answer lays in the history of India (including Pakistan and Bangladesh). Onwards the 7th century the north of India (and Pakistan) slowly came under Islamic rule. This Islamic conquest of the northern part of India started with the invasions of the Turkish-Afghani Ghaznavids. This finally resulted in the founding of the great Islamic Mughal dynasty in 1707 ! Islamic culture including the use of the Persian-Arabic language influenced Indian society and culture. Therfor the name Asil or Aseel must have been introduced by the Muslim rulers. Asil are throughout India also known by their local names.


In my opinion the Asil family can devided into two main groups, the small Reza type (also known in some Western countries incorrectly known as -Rajah-type) and the large Asil type (in western countries known as Kulang Asil). As mentioned in the "Name" paragraph the information is based on the information (whereunder local names) provided by breeders from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Iran, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Russia (Caucasus region) and Central Asian republics (Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Dagestan, etcetera). Other ideas and Asil classification systems excist. Visitors of this website should after analysis the displayed information decide what for him or her is the most plausible or logic interpetation of the listed information. Remark: some sources in and outside the Indian- subcontinent also mention a third Asil group, the socalled mediumweight Asil, in many countries outside India referred to as "Calcutta Asil". There however no evidence to backup this claim.


The color names such as Sonatol, Jawa, Amir Ghan, Kaptan (Kalkatiya) are mainly used outside India and these expressions refer to the names used in the old kingdom of Oudh. The massive presenece of British troops and a loyal "Nawab"(local Muslim ruler) made this region very important. It was a stronghold for the British and stiff promotion of this region was made by good old Herbert Atkinson (see his publications) and his friends which were stationed as servicemen or administrators in this area. Today this former kingdom is known as Awadh and is situated in the state of Uttar Pradesh (with famous cities like Lucknow and Allahabad). Native Indians, Pakistani, Bangla and Sinhala people use colour names (for example Zardi = yellow, Lakha = red, Kala or Kali = black , Naila = blue, etcetera) or names which refer to a qualtiy or specific features (for example Jangli = wild, Kalkatiya = black spurs) or even names of places (for example Amroha, Mianwali, Rampur, etcetera).


Reza Asil bred by Mr.Mullapudi Narendranath (India)

The Reza is a small Asil with a weight not exceeding a weight of about 3 Kg (6.6 Lbs). This group of Asil reached worldwide popularity due to books and articles written by the English gamefowl expert Herbert Atkinson, Siran and Paul Deraniyagala from Sri Lanka and Carlos Finsterbusch from Chile. The Reza Asil family according the old (Western) gamefowl literature is subdivided into following strains: (Amir) Ghan, Sonatol, (Siyah) Rampur, Kalkatiya (Kaptan) and Jawa. All these strains are indentified by their specific color (!) In chronological order: blackreds, lightreds, black, speckled reds and silver duckwings. In the old days (colonial times) other colors such as whites, spangles, etcetra were regarded as -inferior-. According Herbert Atkinson purebred Asil should not exceed the weight of 3 Kg (6.6 Lbs). At present day the "classic" strains and names given mentioned by Atkinson are more or less forgotten. Anyone with a bit of breeding expirience will understand that after many decades the vitality of a bloodline slowly will be prone to degeneration. Remark: the native people in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka only know the Reza-type Asil by their local names (see Names paragraph).


Kulang Asil (South Indian) bred by Mr.Mullapudi (India)

Kulang Asil (North Indian) bred by Wilem van Ballekom (Holland)

Madras Asil bred by Mr.Mullapudi Narendranath (India)

The Kulang Asil family when it comes to classification is a tricky league. In the older Western gamefowl literature, like Carlos Finsterbusch's "Cockfighting all over the World" (1938) following varieties are mentioned: Hyderabad, Calcutta and Madras. Asil experts from the homelands use a more "modern" classification system. The large Asil are divided into sub-varieties : North Indian, South Indian and Madras type. The North and South Indian varieties dont differ much. Only type of comb, shape of the beak and body shape are different. For example : Northern type = slender, Southern type = heavier build), the Madras Asil however is significantly different. They have a lower station, are heavier build and stronger boned. This variety is found in the deep south of India, the Tamil Nadu state. In the homelands of the Kulang Asil the birds reach weights from about 4 to 6 Kg (8.8 to 13 Lbs). Kulang Asil outside the Asil homelands and neighbouring countries generally differ in weight getting ±4,5 to 5,5 Kg (9.9 to 12.1 Lbs). Exemptions to the rule are possible as weight is influenced by various conditions.


The Malay we know in the Western world as a separate breed is nothing more then a Kulang asil sub-variety. There are no Malays in Malaysia. The physical features of the Malay are identical to the large Kulang Asil found in the south of India (Kerala and Tamil Nadu states). These are also high stationed and they have walnut combs too. Anyone comparing present day pictures from the south of India with the breed known in the West as Malay will confirm that we can speak of one and the same gamefowl type. Some of these birds are also known as "Desi" and produced mating Asil with local (sometimes non-gamefowl) poultry breeds. Malays in India reach heights of upto 85 Cm (33 Inches) and weights between 4.5 to 6 Kg (9.9 to 13.2 Lbs) ).

Malay from Kerala state - photos by Dr.Anurenji (India)


The Asil familiy does also includes a couple of rare varieties. There are bearded, tassled, henny-feathered and single crested Asil. In the homelands of the Asil breed these varieties have a very good fighting reputation, especially the single crested variety. The birds are very fast, agile and extremely aggressive.

Bearded Asil (from Iran) owner Konstantin Ticipidis (Russia)

Single crested Asil known as "Bihaingam" bred by Mr.Nadeem (Pakistan)

Crested Kulang Asil bred by Mr.Mullapudi Narendranath (India)

Madaroo (henny-feathered) Asil by Mr.Asad Fareed (Pakistan)


Bantam Asil have been created at the end of the 19th century by an English breeder named William Flamank Entwisle. The breed got very popular after its creation but after a couple of decades interest in this variety slowly died out. Bantam Asil appeared in the Dutch poultry standard of 1920 in several colours. Till beginning of the 1980's nothing was heard abouth these little Asil. A Belgian breeder named Willy Coppens created them again using Ko Shamo, Indian Game bantams and Reza Asil. After this succesful introduction German breeders like Andreas Niehsen and Hartmut Vieregge worked with the breed which resulted in recognition into the German standard. The breed was also introduced again in Holland and United Kingdom. At present day Bantam Asil are quite popular and they are bred in various colours. Weight max.750 Gram (1.65 Lb).

Bantam Asil - bred by Willem van Ballekom (Holland)


image @ by Beech Publishing House


At this moment of writing (October 2007) only one official Asil club in India exists. The club is based in the city of Calcutta located in the state of Bengal in Northeast India. Every year the best Asil are chosen by series of elimination tournaments (tape heel fights). After the final tournament, the winners are on display. A member of this club Mr.Imtiaz Qasem has confirmed that the information provided by Herbert Atkinson is correct.

The following are the standards of the Aseel as per manuscripts of the 19th century and still rigourously followed by us in Calcutta.

BEAK - short, thick, powerful, the colour of ivory and shutting tight. The upper mandible should be straight.

EYES - bright, rather prominent, iris white and pearl like, the eyelids a pointed oval, a yellow or bloodshot tinge in the irises is seen in some birds.

COMB - pea or triple comb, short, thick and low (except "Bihangam" strain).

WATTLES - totally absent (except "Bihangam" strain).Face and earlobes red.

HEAD - large and slightly elongated like that of a mongoose, jawbone and cheekbones large, lean covered with a little flesh, the skin tough, the throat not prominent and with as little dewlap as possible, the hackle feathers beginning low beneath it in front.

NECK - medium length, inclined to short, the neck bone next to the skull prominent, thus giving it the shape of a cobra's open hood. The neck bones small, the ridges fleshless, thick to feel, especially 2 or 3 inches (5 to 7½ Cm) below the head. On the whole strong like an iron rod, covered with wiry feathers.

BACK - broad and flat. Viewed from above back and wings are heart shaped.

WINGS - carried well apart from the body and held high in a fit bird. They must be muscular and fleshless, with hard strong rather strong quill feathers.

CHEST - Thrown out, wide, muscular, hard, the flesh where showing through the feathers on breast, thighs and shoulder joints.

STERN - The belly small, "the Pope's Nose" large, broad and very strong (IMPORTANT POINT !), the sickle feathers narrow, scimitar shaped, wiry, pointed, drooping from the base, less curved than other breeds, feathers irridescent, not carried above the horizontal, close together, but not shut up, cloak and and saddle feathers pointing backward than in other breeds, tough, pointed and beautiful.

BODY - compact and muscular

THIGHS - Not to long, large, round, hard muscular, and sparsely feathered (the flesh often shining through), in line with the body, and not so wide as his wings when the bird faces you, as such a bird would be unable to strike properly.

LEGS - Thick and square, down the front, not round in matured birds. The meeting of the scales makes a straight line slightly indented. White is the only colour acceptable, but the legs often turn yellow due to feeding of green plants.

TOES - Straight, thick, yet tapering and strong, nails very broad, strong, curved and white.

APPERANCE - the carriage of the Aseel has to be upright, standing firmly and well on its legs, the bird handsome, sprightly and shapely, and quick as a cobra in its movements. A standing bird viewed from the side should have its eye and middle toe nail in a parallel line.

CHARACTERISTICS - the crow of the Aseel is unlike that of any other breed, being short, as if cut off at the end. The plumage has little or no underfluff. The weight of an adult cock in proper condition should not exceed 3 Kilograms (7 Lbs). The hen with exemptions for sex typical physical points , should resemble the cock in all points. The Aseel when tickeled or touched lightly near the vent at once begins to preen and oil its feathers. This characteristic behaviour applies in lesser degree to birds who are only a remote cross with Aseel blood. The purebred Aseel hens go with their chicks from 6 months to 1 year. This unlike the ordinary hens doing this for 6 weeks. Aseel hens lay around 2 clutches of eggs in a year.

Aseel cocks are quiet easy to handle and are never savage in the hand. When one snaps one's fingers, an Aseel cock will put its wing down and dance around, as a cock circles round a hen. It loves being handled and stroked and one can pick up an Aseel at any time when at liberty.


To compare the above printed standard with other Indian manuscripts it is of utmost importance to get a copy of a publication on cockfighting published in India titled "Murgh Nama" from the "Sayd-gah-i-Shawkati" written by the Nawab (Nabob) Yar Muhammad Khan in 1883. This publication has been translated by Lt-Colonel D.C.Phillott based in Calcutta. It seems that a copy exists in the archives of the "Asiatic Society of Bengal" in Calcutta.


Useful links for tracking down this publication (national library of India) BENGAL.htm

The Asiatic Society Library - 1 Park Street - Kolkata 700016 - Bengal - India


International Aseel


Asil Community



The Asil is found on the Indian sub-continent and as mentioned earlier is probably the world oldest gamefowl breed. The oldest evidence of organized cockfighting is based on archeological finds which have been found in the Indus valley (today Pakistan but Indian territory till 1947). Understanding the Asil is not that easy. The breed is domestic to the Indian subcontinent. At present day this landmass consists of the following countries India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. This huge landmass is home to an enormous variety of ethnic groups and cultures. Tracing back local names of varieties or expressions is a pure hell as India alone has 21 national languages and over 200 registered dialects. Sometimes information from the homeland is controversial. Therfor analysis and comparison of this information is a delicate matter. Asil enthusiasts from all over the world provide valuable information. The International Asil Community (IAC) tries to provide genuine information enabling all Asil fanciers around the world to preserve the Asil breed along the proper conservation and breeding criteria.


The name of the breed can be written in various ways as in India and neighbouring countries various (local) names excist. This of course caused by the complexity of the Indian languages. The meaning of the names Asil, Aseel or Asli is "purebred"or "from pure decent'. These names are originally of Persian-Arabic origin. Before Islamic rule the Asil and sub-varieties were only known throughout the Indian continent by their local names. How come they were called Asil, Aseel or Asli ? The answer lays in the history of India (including Pakistan and Bangladesh). Onwards the 7th century the north of India (and Pakistan) slowly came under Islamic rule. This Islamic conquest of the northern part of India started with the invasions of the Turkish-Afghani Ghaznavids. This finally resulted in the founding of the great Islamic Mughal dynasty in 1707 ! Islamic culture including the use of the Persian-Arabic language influenced Indian society and culture. Therfor the name Asil or Aseel must have been introduced by the Muslim rulers. Asil are throughout India also known by their local names.


In my opinion the Asil family can devided into two main groups, the small Reza type (also known in some Western countries incorrectly known as -Rajah-type) and the large Asil type (in western countries known as Kulang Asil). As mentioned in the "Name" paragraph the information is based on the information (whereunder local names) provided by breeders from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Iran, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Russia (Caucasus region) and Central Asian republics (Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Dagestan, etcetera). Other ideas and Asil classification systems excist. Visitors of this website should after analysis the displayed information decide what for him or her is the most plausible or logic interpetation of the listed information. Remark: some sources in and outside the Indian- subcontinent also mention a third Asil group, the socalled mediumweight Asil, in many countries outside India referred to as "Calcutta Asil". There however no evidence to backup this claim.


The color names such as Sonatol, Jawa, Amir Ghan, Kaptan (Kalkatiya) are mainly used outside India and these expressions refer to the names used in the old kingdom of Oudh. The massive presenece of British troops and a loyal "Nawab"(local Muslim ruler) made this region very important. It was a stronghold for the British and stiff promotion of this region was made by good old Herbert Atkinson (see his publications) and his friends which were stationed as servicemen or administrators in this area. Today this former kingdom is known as Awadh and is situated in the state of Uttar Pradesh (with famous cities like Lucknow and Allahabad). Native Indians, Pakistani, Bangla and Sinhala people use colour names (for example Zardi = yellow, Lakha = red, Kala or Kali = black , Naila = blue, etcetera) or names which refer to a qualtiy or specific features (for example Jangli = wild, Kalkatiya = black spurs) or even names of places (for example Amroha, Mianwali, Rampur, etcetera).


Reza Asil bred by Mr.Mullapudi Narendranath (India)

The Reza is a small Asil with a weight not exceeding a weight of about 3 Kg (6.6 Lbs). This group of Asil reached worldwide popularity due to books and articles written by the English gamefowl expert Herbert Atkinson, Siran and Paul Deraniyagala from Sri Lanka and Carlos Finsterbusch from Chile. The Reza Asil family according the old (Western) gamefowl literature is subdivided into following strains: (Amir) Ghan, Sonatol, (Siyah) Rampur, Kalkatiya (Kaptan) and Jawa. All these strains are indentified by their specific color (!) In chronological order: blackreds, lightreds, black, speckled reds and silver duckwings. In the old days (colonial times) other colors such as whites, spangles, etcetra were regarded as -inferior-. According Herbert Atkinson purebred Asil should not exceed the weight of 3 Kg (6.6 Lbs). At present day the "classic" strains and names given mentioned by Atkinson are more or less forgotten. Anyone with a bit of breeding expirience will understand that after many decades the vitality of a bloodline slowly will be prone to degeneration. Remark: the native people in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka only know the Reza-type Asil by their local names (see Names paragraph).


Kulang Asil (South Indian) bred by Mr.Mullapudi Narendranath (India)

Kulang Asil (North Indian) bred by Wilem van Ballekom (Holland)

Madras Asil bred by Mr.Mullapudi Narendranath (India)

The Kulang Asil family when it comes to classification is a tricky league. In the older Western gamefowl literature, like Carlos Finsterbusch's "Cockfighting all over the World" (1938) following varieties are mentioned: Hyderabad, Calcutta and Madras. Asil experts from the homelands use a more "modern" classification system. The large Asil are divided into sub-varieties : North Indian, South Indian and Madras type. The North and South Indian varieties dont differ much. Only type of comb, shape of the beak and body shape are different. For example : Northern type = slender, Southern type = heavier build), the Madras Asil however is significantly different. They have a lower station, are heavier build and stronger boned. This variety is found in the deep south of India, the Tamil Nadu state. In the homelands of the Kulang Asil the birds reach weights from about 4 to 6 Kg (8.8 to 13 Lbs). Kulang Asil outside the Asil homelands and neighbouring countries generally differ in weight getting ±4,5 to 5,5 Kg (9.9 to 12.1 Lbs). Exemptions to the rule are possible as weight is influenced by various conditions.


The Malay we know in the Western world as a separate breed is nothing more then a Kulang asil sub-variety. There are no Malays in Malaysia. The physical features of the Malay are identical to the large Kulang Asil found in the south of India (Kerala and Tamil Nadu states). These are also high stationed and they have walnut combs too. Anyone comparing present day pictures from the south of India with the breed known in the West as Malay will confirm that we can speak of one and the same gamefowl type. Some of these birds are also known as "Desi" and produced mating Asil with local (sometimes non-gamefowl) poultry breeds. Malays in India reach heights of upto 85 Cm (33 Inches) and weights between 4.5 to 6 Kg (9.9 to 13.2 Lbs) ).

Malay from Kerala state - photos by Dr.Anurenji (India)


The Asil familiy does also includes a couple of rare varieties. There are bearded, tassled, henny-feathered and single crested Asil. In the homelands of the Asil breed these varieties have a very good fighting reputation, especially the single crested variety. The birds are very fast, agile and extremely aggressive.

Bearded Asil (from Iran) owner Konstantin Ticipidis (Russia)

Single crested Asil known as "Bihaingam" bred by Mr.Nadeem (Pakistan)

Crested Kulang Asil bred by Mr.Mullapudi Narendranath (India)

Madaroo (henny-feathered) Asil by Mr.Asad Fareed (Pakistan)


Bantam Asil have been created at the end of the 19th century by an English breeder named William Flamank Entwisle. The breed got very popular after its creation but after a couple of decades interest in this variety slowly died out. Bantam Asil appeared in the Dutch poultry standard of 1920 in several colours. Till beginning of the 1980's nothing was heard abouth these little Asil. A Belgian breeder named Willy Coppens created them again using Ko Shamo, Indian Game bantams and Reza Asil. After this succesful introduction German breeders like Andreas Niehsen and Hartmut Vieregge worked with the breed which resulted in recognition into the German standard. The breed was also introduced again in Holland and United Kingdom. At present day Bantam Asil are quite popular and they are bred in various colours. Weight max.750 Gram (1.65 Lb).

Bantam Asil - bred by Willem van Ballekom (Holland)


image @ by Beech Publishing House


At this moment of writing (October 2007) only one official Asil club in India exists. The club is based in the city of Calcutta located in the state of Bengal in Northeast India. Every year the best Asil are chosen by series of elimination tournaments (tape heel fights). After the final tournament, the winners are on display. A member of this club Mr.Imtiaz Qasem has confirmed that the information provided by Herbert Atkinson is correct.

The following are the standards of the Aseel as per manuscripts of the 19th century and still rigourously followed by us in Calcutta.

BEAK - short, thick, powerful, the colour of ivory and shutting tight. The upper mandible should be straight.

EYES - bright, rather prominent, iris white and pearl like, the eyelids a pointed oval, a yellow or bloodshot tinge in the irises is seen in some birds.

COMB - pea or triple comb, short, thick and low (except "Bihangam" strain).

WATTLES - totally absent (except "Bihangam" strain).Face and earlobes red.

HEAD - large and slightly elongated like that of a mongoose, jawbone and cheekbones large, lean covered with a little flesh, the skin tough, the throat not prominent and with as little dewlap as possible, the hackle feathers beginning low beneath it in front.

NECK - medium length, inclined to short, the neck bone next to the skull prominent, thus giving it the shape of a cobra's open hood. The neck bones small, the ridges fleshless, thick to feel, especially 2 or 3 inches (5 to 7½ Cm) below the head. On the whole strong like an iron rod, covered with wiry feathers.

BACK - broad and flat. Viewed from above back and wings are heart shaped.

WINGS - carried well apart from the body and held high in a fit bird. They must be muscular and fleshless, with hard strong rather strong quill feathers.

CHEST - Thrown out, wide, muscular, hard, the flesh where showing through the feathers on breast, thighs and shoulder joints.

STERN - The belly small, "the Pope's Nose" large, broad and very strong (IMPORTANT POINT !), the sickle feathers narrow, scimitar shaped, wiry, pointed, drooping from the base, less curved than other breeds, feathers irridescent, not carried above the horizontal, close together, but not shut up, cloak and and saddle feathers pointing backward than in other breeds, tough, pointed and beautiful.

BODY - compact and muscular

THIGHS - Not to long, large, round, hard muscular, and sparsely feathered (the flesh often shining through), in line with the body, and not so wide as his wings when the bird faces you, as such a bird would be unable to strike properly.

LEGS - Thick and square, down the front, not round in matured birds. The meeting of the scales makes a straight line slightly indented. White is the only colour acceptable, but the legs often turn yellow due to feeding of green plants.

TOES - Straight, thick, yet tapering and strong, nails very broad, strong, curved and white.

APPERANCE - the carriage of the Aseel has to be upright, standing firmly and well on its legs, the bird handsome, sprightly and shapely, and quick as a cobra in its movements. A standing bird viewed from the side should have its eye and middle toe nail in a parallel line.

CHARACTERISTICS - the crow of the Aseel is unlike that of any other breed, being short, as if cut off at the end. The plumage has little or no underfluff. The weight of an adult cock in proper condition should not exceed 3 Kilograms (7 Lbs). The hen with exemptions for sex typical physical points , should resemble the cock in all points. The Aseel when tickeled or touched lightly near the vent at once begins to preen and oil its feathers. This characteristic behaviour applies in lesser degree to birds who are only a remote cross with Aseel blood. The purebred Aseel hens go with their chicks from 6 months to 1 year. This unlike the ordinary hens doing this for 6 weeks. Aseel hens lay around 2 clutches of eggs in a year.

Aseel cocks are quiet easy to handle and are never savage in the hand. When one snaps one's fingers, an Aseel cock will put its wing down and dance around, as a cock circles round a hen. It loves being handled and stroked and one can pick up an Aseel at any time when at liberty.


To compare the above printed standard with other Indian manuscripts it is of utmost importance to get a copy of a publication on cockfighting published in India titled "Murgh Nama" from the "Sayd-gah-i-Shawkati" written by the Nawab (Nabob) Yar Muhammad Khan in 1883. This publication has been translated by Lt-Colonel D.C.Phillott based in Calcutta. It seems that a copy exists in the archives of the "Asiatic Society of Bengal" in Calcutta.


Useful links for tracking down this publication (national library of India) BENGAL.htm

The Asiatic Society Library - 1 Park Street - Kolkata 700016 - Bengal - India


The Large India Aseel

LARGE SOUTH INDIAN ASEEL LARGE SOUTH INDIAN ASEEL The large South Indian aseel is the brother of the North Indian & Madras aseel. Typical features: triple peacomb or walnut combtype (and anything between ), pearlish eyes, delta-shaped beak(small and broad at base). Colors to be found in a wide variety. Their height is upto 29"(75 cm ) and there weight is around 14.3 Lbs (6.5 Kgs) .Shank color: yellow, yellow-whitish, flesh color or dark colored (blackish to slategrey allover).Birds are fought either in natural spurs or like in the state of Andhra Pradesh (Southeast India) birds are fought using a single slasher tied under the foot. They use a slasher with a cutting lenght of 1.2 to 2.4" (30 to 60 cm) .Anyone following the widespreaded believe saying that aseel if cut by steel run is simple not informed about the customs used in the homeland of the aseel ! Another issue of a South Indian aseel .But as the aseel is 3500 years old and the Japanese Shamo only bred onwards from,the 16th century it must be clear to anyone that the Shamo is actually "Aseel-like". According local sources breeding of Aseel in the South east of India was also influenced by imports of Burmese Aseel brought back by Dravidian seafarers and merchants.

Indian Rooster

Saturday, , 2008


The indian asil
The aristocrat among Game fowl

The Asil is the product of selective breeding from victors in combat over severl millenie under the severest test of courage when a single combat was fought over 4 days with blunted spurs padded with tenfolds of tape. Compared to this system the fight in naked heel is not nearly as satisfactory as a test of gameness. No other breed of fighting cock possesses the courage and tenacity to survive such an ordeal or for that matter to undergo the arduous training involved. An Arabic the word "Asil" means noble and applicable to any living creature whether horse, camel, falconan, m or game fowl. In this instance it designates a breed or gamefowl, in which inessentials for a fighter such as the comb, wattles, fluffy feathers and elongate intestines have been reduced to a minimum. A throughbred Asil cock is an amazing combination of speed, power and gameness, within a beautifully proportioned body admirably adapted for such combat. These birds were the zealously guarded property of the nobility and were fought for very high stakes. In fact an Asil was considered a fit gift for royalty and breeders regarded the selling of birds or eggs as a gross breach or etiquette. A highly paid Ustad (master trainer) was employed together with one assistant for every twelve birds.

When the chickens are 4 mos.old they are separated from the mother which would otherwise remain with them for as long as a year. They are then hand fed to acuustron them to the trainer. The Asil develops more slowly than do other breeds, a necessity for the accumulation of its dense, dry muscle. The cockerel commences to crow at six months, and the spurs emerge after a year. Its training commences at this stage which is in autumn in time to have the bird fighting fit six months later in spring before the summer rains when moulting occurs.

The cockerel is kept seperate from the other birds, exercised, and fed twice a day. The 'Murgh Nama' an old Indian treatise, recommends extremely, and perhaps unreasonably, complicated food mixtures. However, simpler ones are generally adopted today. The morning feed consists of a few pellets of millet and wheat dough mixed with small quantities of some other flour such as that of gram. In the evening, millet is given after soaking it for about six hours in water. Lots of green food and shell grit are necessary components of the diet. During months of scarcity, garlic is a suitable substitute for green food. Remarkably little food is given to the cock and the crop should be empty by exercise time. The bird is watered in the afternoon and when let out is kept muzzled with a string around the beak which is tied behind the comb to prevent it swallowing anything other than its fixed diet. As training progresses, the bulkier food are suppressed and concentrated ones such as eggs, meat and sugar substituted so as to reduce the belly as much as possible. Liquids are restricted for a few days prior to the fight. When fully trained the bird's muscles should stand out conspicuously and should not be juicy.
The cock is exercised for about an hour, twice daily, before feeding. Half hour spells suffice for a light bird. Various exercises are devised which strengthen the nect, wings and legs in particular. Much importance is attached to the massaging of joings and muscles with the hand dipped in some lubricant such as melted butter and great care is taken not to disturb the feathers when massaging. Wet and dry fomentations dispose of fat which the Asil is apt to accumulate internally if not properly fed or exercised. Water is spouted or blown upon the bird to refresh it both during and after exercise. After forty days of such preliminary conditioning the cock is sparred regularly at intervals of ten days. Initially each of these sparring bouts lasts for ten minutes but once the bird is fighting fit it should be capable of wearing down six fresh opponents over ten hours of sparring spread over two days. During the early phases the bird is sparred with a muzzle on, in order to force it to hit and to discourage excessive reliance upon the beak. After three months of training the comb, if large, is cut into a knob and the ends of the sickle feathers are trimmed. The trainer also decides upon the optimum fighting weight for the bird rather early in the training schedule after observing its performance at different weights. An Asil should crouch very low when approaching its adversary so that the breast touches the ground. This posture enables it to launch itself at its opponent with long, low, powerfully propelled leaps. The cock should attack any available part of its foe but its main target should be a vital point such as the head where it should rain down a volley of hard, accurate blows, after securing a beak hold. Some birds are extremely dexterous at avoiding a counter attack while others are so highly trained as to strike hard on command. An Asil tucks its tail between its legs when fighting breast to breast and constantly pushed forward so as to weaken its opponent legs which places a long legged bird at a disadvantage. The balance of an Asil is very important. The bird should be weighted forwards, never backward. A bird that squawls when hurt assumes a non aggressive posture by ducking frequently under the belly or wings of its opponent or turns it back towards its foe is no Asil. Indian cockers also affirm that dark birds and those with coarse combs are more rugged and harder hitters than the lighter colored or small combed ones which are said to be more active. The are said to be more active. The beavy Asils are markedly less aggressive than the lighter ones.
Rival owners match their birds by size and assess them by handling and by sight, age too is taken into account. The birds are fought in May or June with their blunted spurs tightly bandaged with ten folds of tape. The arena or pit usually contains sand although a carpet is preferable. These matches were often helf by the Nawabs as light recreation after a mornings hunting and usually commenced at two in the afternoon. A latecomer forfeits a round. The duration of a round is not defined although the intervals or rest, (pani) are. Some rounds were fought by day and a few by night by mutual agreement but as first rate cocks became rare the nocturnal rounds were dispensed with. A cocker could obtain an interval of rest for his birds whenever he wished but the man who claimed an interval for the tenth time lost the contest. He either stopped the combat or let his bird fight to the death on the third or fourth day. As each man is entitled to request ten pani the match comprises twenty pani. On the first day of fighting the rest intervals are 20,30,40,50 and 60 minutes respectively.

Friday, February 26, 2010