
Friday, July 1, 2011

Asil Breed Information

An Introduction to Aseel

Aseels are classified into various types as mentioned Below

Names: Asil, Aseel, Calcutta Aseel, Hint (turkish Aseel), Ghan Aseel, Murgh Aseel. The Aseel got their names either from their breeding region (for example Calcutta) or it is just the breeder ´s name.

Description: Small Aseel: Reza-Typ, Hindu
Height: Up to 19,5 inches tall. Weight: 2kg bis 3,5kg in 2nd year.

Medium Aseel: Hint (in former times they called India "Hindustan")
Height: 21 to 24 inches tall. Weight: 3,5kg to 4,5kg in 2nd year.

Large Aseel: North-Indian, South-Indian, Madras
Height: Up to 29,5 inches and about 5kg to 7kg in 2nd year.

Hindu Aseel

Aseels are stalwart and spirited fighters, are owning hard feathers, have steady appearance and gentle to breeder. Origin: India Particularities: The word Aseel is meaning "pure" or "noble". All Aseelstrains do have their eyeposition central in their face. The Aseel family is very big, so here in Europe they handle the different strains as Aseel races. Aseels are known for their intelligent defensive and tactical thinking, to keep power for long time in endurance fight.

This is the most desirable Asel colour and such birds are known as "Siyah".This strain was created by the Nawab (ruler) of Rampur, a state in Northern India. They should have white eyes and white shanks, spurs and nails.

These birds are divided into "jala lakha" (literally colour of overburned brick), "lakha" (colour of normal burned brick) and "khula lakha" (light red). "jala lakhas" have reddish brown (maroon) hackle and saddle featheres as well as a dark brownish colour. "lakhas" are slightly lighter in colour, with red hackle and saddle feathers. Both these categories have hackles and especially their breast streaked with black. The "lakhas" have black markings on their back near the base of the neck and near the wing joints. A ready reckoner, to differentiate between the above two colours types, is that of the "jala lakha" birds. They have dark feathering over their ears while "lakhas" have red or golden feathering over their ears. "khula lakha" birds, a fiery red in colour with no black markings, also have reddish feathering covering their ears.All three of the above colour types may have pied or white primary and secondary wing feathers. The hens are grouse coloured with black necks and blackish tails. The "reds" were also known as "Ghans" (sledgehammer) as they were considered to be the hardest strikers.

These are known as "Zardi" because their hackles, saddle and back feathers are golden in colour. They have black or blasck streaked breasts and wing joints. These birdsalso have pied or white primary and secondary wing feathers. The hens are wheaten in colour with black hackles and tails. As a bird of this colour type was once bought for its weight in gold. It is also known as "Sonatol".

Owner: Nawab Shaharyar M. Khan son of theNawab of Junaghar.

Amroha is a famous town in india.From good time , Amroha is famous for his saints (pise peoples).
People of this town are very fond of Aam ("Mango" fruit) and Rohu (name of fish) .For this accordance, set the name of this town "Amroha".In the center of this town shrine of a saint"Shah Azi-ud-din" (the mercy of God be upon him,died in 1457A.D.)Mango in abandance is arisis plantifully in the surrounding of the Amroha. The wood of Mango utilize in making for musical instrument "Dolak" and small handy writing board.Amroha join by virtue of road and railway to Muradabad.
Referance. ("SAFARNAMAHY HIND" By Prof. Muhammad Aslam,Ex. President of history department in Punjab University,lahore,Pakistan,july 1995)
After some line about Amroha.Now we move to our subject.In Pakistan,first time this breed of Aseel famous by two well known personalities.
First, Kamal Amrohavi , a famous film director(director a famous film "Pakiza"and second his brother, Rayees Amrohavi,he is famous poet.
Now this pure breed in Pakistan two brothers .
Ch.Babar Munawar Sahi and Ch. Muhammad Munawar Sahi Advocate.They are belonging to a famous political family of Pakistan.

Madras aseel belong to the group of large aseel. Compared to the large North Indian & South Indian aseel the madras aseel are more bulkier and thicker boned. Typical is the short beak and a combtype covering anything between triple peacomb and walnut comb. However it is taken for granted that the one and only typical colour is "bluered " this feature must be denied after information from indian aseel breeders. All colours can be seen,even cuckoo! Madras aseel show either a yellow, yellow-whitish,fleshy or dark color. This color is slategrey to blackish allover. So the yellow shanks with black spots typical on the Japanese O-Shamo is not meant.Madras aseel are 23" in height and weight around 13.2 Lbs(6Kgs). These figures for weight only count in there homeland. In Europe these birds reach a fair 10 Lbs (4.5 Kgs) . The first Madras aseel were imported into England around 1870 . After a successful but short career these aseel faded away. In 1968 again Mardas aseel showed up again in the East German Republic being imported as studyobjects for the East-Berlin zoo Friederichsfelde-Ost. In 1972 new blood was infused (South Indian aseel from Madras area). Since then these aseel gained more and more popularity.Germany must be as the only stronghold of these aseel outside their original homeland , India.

"The new book of poultry",1920,Lewis Wright (UK)
Mullapudi Narendra Nath(Hyderabad/India)


Aseel also can be found in Turkey. These are known as "Hint Horozu". This meaning "Cock from Hindustan" which clearly points out the origin of this breed. According Turkish sources these Aseel were introduced in Turkey at the time of the Ottoman empire (14th century) by merchants and seafarers. In type "Hint Horozu" are a bit out of line and display features seen at Reza,large South and North Indian Aseel. In weight Turkish Aseel differ from 5.5 to 10 Lbs (2.5 to 4.5 Kg). They reach a height of about 25" (65 Cm). Hint Horozu are fought in natural spurs. However, before the fight gets on the sharpness of the spurs and the beak is taken away using sandpaper. In Turkey, a "Hint Horozu" cock is seen as a symbol of strenght, fertility and manhood. Every year big tournaments are organized in the cities of Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir and Antalya.

Sources: Werner Lamkemeyer Jr (Germany)

Abdulkadir Temel (Izmir/Turkey)

This type of Aseel is famour for his attitude.Jangli Aseel is like wild cock.They are hard striker Aseel and they are very intelligent in gaming.


These are hennyfeathered Aseel.They range from cocky looking birds with hen type rounded edged feathers to specimens which look completly like hens.These type of aseel is often termed as "Pitta Maadi" here in Hyderabad. Blackish coloured known as "siyah madaroo" are regarded the best Aseel. However such birds are rare.

These are birds whose phenotype or external apperance show a throwback to the Red Jungle Fowl. They have a big, either completly or partially upright comb, with deep edges like that of ordinary poultry, as well as normal sized wattles. In all respects they resemble Aseels and are considered to be superlative fighters. Such birds are also very rare.

This strain is famous for his body color .it is color like hawk.Shikra aseel is very brave and speedy fighter and shikra is physical derivated strains in aseel.


Small Aseel are referred to as Reeza Aseel .The Reza means small and is of Persian -Arabic origin. The whole north of India was under rule of Turkish- Afghani Muslims from 800 A.C. till about 1500 A.C..This also caused integration of Arabic language in local culture. All Aseel in height less than 19 Inches(about 50 cm)
are known Aseel. Their weight is between 4.4 to 6.6b lbs (2 to 3 kg). Typical features: low set triple peacock comb, pearlish eyes, and hawk-like beak.


The large South Indian aseel is the brother of the North Indian & Madras aseel. Typical features: triple peacomb or walnut combtype (and anything between ), pearlish eyes, delta-shaped beak(small and broad at base). Colors to be found in a wide variety. Their height is upto 29"(75 cm ) and there weight is around 14.3 Lbs (6.5 Kgs) .Shank color: yellow, yellow-whitish, flesh color or dark colored (blackish to slategrey allover).Birds are fought either in natural spurs or like in the state of Andhra Pradesh (Southeast India) birds are fought using a single slasher tied under the foot. They use a slasher with a cutting lenght of 1.2 to 2.4" (30 to 60 cm) .Anyone following the widespreaded believe saying that aseel if cut by steel run is simple not informed about the customs used in the homeland of the aseel ! Another issue of a South Indian aseel .But as the aseel is 3500 years old and the Japanese Shamo only bred onwards from,the 16th century it must be clear to anyone that the Shamo is actually "Aseel-like". According local sources breeding of Aseel in the South east of India was also influenced by imports of Burmese Aseel brought back by Dravidian seafarers and merchants.

"The new book of poultry",1920,Lewis Wright (UK)
Source:Mullapudi Narendra Nath(Hyderabad/India)


This strain of aseel have very stronge body and excellent fighter.Tekher aseel have not comb.


MR. J.LEWIS (Ret. superintendent of railway general store Lahore, Pakistan) have lakhy tally aseel which become famous after that the name of lasani.( source Dr.SHAR ALI SYED).


Bighara mean wolf.Hai Hayat Buchawala of bucha kalan had this type of aseel.This strain available in Faisalabad; Khushab.This strain has java color and large size.( source Dr.SHAR ALI SYED).


These aseels have large size about above from 28" and in sind (pakistan's province) Aseel gamerslike that aseel which has acacia's flower type eyes.( source Dr.SHAR ALI SYED

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